The Julen Lopetegui era at West Ham promised so much but it’s been an absolute disaster, and it’s therefore no surprise to learn that the Spaniard, just like the club’s fans, isn’t happy with his lot at the London Stadium.
Results continue to go from bad to worse, and another insipid performance, this time against Everton, left West Ham’s players questioning one particular Lopetegui decision.
It’s already been suggested that the Spaniard could be sacked, and with the international break now upon us, it would be the perfect time for the Hammers to cut ties.
By so doing it would give any new incumbent the time to assess what he has in situ over the next 6-8 weeks, before making a splash in the transfer market as needed.
Julen Lopetegui might decide to leave West Ham of his own accord
That would require David Sullivan to dip into his coffers again, as well as paying off Lopetegui, and Sullivan’s form with regards to getting things done as cheaply as possible is likely to ensure that the Spaniard escapes the hangman’s noose a little longer.
Unless the manager takes it upon himself to leave the club.
“Through it all (pre-match press conference for the Everton game), Lopetegui looked drained, like a man under strain, even if the exhausted demeanour is one he has worn throughout his career, through the good times too,,” journalist Tom Allnutt wrote in The Times (subscription required).

“These are not good times. Performances have been flat, the sense of freshness or direction lacking…
“It should be no surprise, then, that Lopetegui beamed only when asked about his plans to return home during the international break next week.
“He will spend two or three days in Asteasu, a sleepy town 15 miles south of San Sebastian, and will stay with his father, Jose Antonio, who turns 95 next month and who was once a Basque champion at stone lifting.”
West Ham are lucky that, at the moment at least, there are certainly three worse clubs in the Premier League, and it would take an astonishing series of results to see them drop into relegation trouble.
Notwithstanding that, the Irons should still be looking towards the other end of the table and a permanent residency there.
That, presumably was the entire point as to why Lopetegui was hired in the first place.
His reputation is in tatters at present, and there’s a cogent argument as to why he himself might decide to jump ship in order to ensure he’s still able to be employed elsewhere.
Flogging a dead horse seems to be the order of the day at the London Stadium and, frankly, that’s not doing anyone any favours.
So JL is in Spain let’s hope he stays there but we all know he won’t given the state the club are in sitting just above the relegation zone with no clear style of play no tatics that I can see players that have had enough of his arrogant attitude and disrespect for them not to mention us the fans and he thinks he’s doing a good job seriously! He has to be one of the worst if not the worst managers ever knowing that the players fans have had enough you would think he do the right thing and leave our great club but that’s not going to happen while Sullivan is not man enough to sack him if Sullivan doesn’t get rid he will find that the only fans in the ground on match days will be the visiting fans as things stand we are heading into to the championship